Message 288
Certainly it can be said that there are “go to” Psalms for every chosen soul. And even more so there are Psalms that are spoken of often by the congregation (gathered thoughts, gathered humans) as well. Psalm 23 is one of those universal “go to” Psalms. And yet though many perceive it goes beyond the physical plain, the same many rarely do the digging. Shall we:
“Yahweh is our Shepherd (“tend, pasture”; the mind's caretaker); we shall not want (“wanton”; mentally languish). He makes (via a Unilateral Mind Covenant) us lie (the mind's repose) down in green (“sprout”; mentally growing) pastures (“home”; mental habitations). He leads us beside still (“peaceful”) waters (the mind's fruitifications). Yahweh restores our life (mind's breath); He leads (mentally guides) us in the path (“track”) of righteousness (right thinking) for His Name's (conscious character) sake. Yes, though we walk (mentally “go”) through the valley (“gorge”; mind's depravity) of the shadow (“calamity”) of death (realization of all that the personal will bears), we will fear no wickedness (“wrong” thinking); for You are with us. Your rod (“branch”; mental chastening) and Your staff (“support”), they comfort us. You prepare a table (“spread, send”; mental delicacies) before us in the presence of our enemies (foul thoughts brought forth by the personal will). You anoint (“rub” with His Mind) our heads (“shake”; thought processes) with oil (“illuminate”). Our cups (ability to mentally “contain”) overflow. Surely righteousness (right thinking) and mercy (“kindness”) will follow (mentally proceed) us all the days (illuminations) of our lives (mental breath); and we will dwell (consciously reside) in the House (mindset) of Yahweh forever (an eternal, mental matter)!”