Message 289

“And Yahweh said to Mosheh (thoughts that “draw out” Yahweh's will), 'Make a sârâph (שרף saw-rawf') (“burning, on fire”), and put it [“burning, on fire”] up on a banner (“signal, be clear”); anyone who is bit (“strike, oppress”) can look at it [the thoughts enclosed and protected, leading to proper conviction; the sârâph within] and live.” (Numbers 21:8)

Of course modern translations do much to destroy Hebraic intent; part ignorance, part Yahweh's purposed veil over the minds of many. Modern versions fail utterly in describing what Yahweh intends to say about His Kingdom within, and how one in fact heals mental oppression brought on via the personal will.

“So Mosheh made a brass (“be shrill”) nâchâsh (נחש naw-khawsh') (“hiss, whisper”) and put it up on a banner (Yahweh's provided place of mental clarity within). And when anyone was bit by a nâchâsh (the same “whisper” that caused the original fall (Genesis 3:1-6); the whisper/hiss of the personal will and it's hatred (Romans 8:7) of Yahweh's will), and looked at the sârâph (proper convictions and mental protections), he lived.” (Numbers 21:9)

The 144,000 understand it [the Hebrew language and it's Hebraic intent] will only ever be about matters regarding a Kingdom (Yahweh's thought world) and kingdoms (all of the mind's reigning thoughts, produced by the personal will) within. And they know that in eternity, a mind is completely given over to One, or the many others.


Message 288


Message 290