Message 293

The Hebrew word is ʽânâyv ענו (aw-nawv'). It's definitions are “depressed, gentile”.  The definition's alone tell a story. For the 144,000 it's a story each of them, individually, have much to say of. Mostly about “How?”, what it takes to get one's mind into subjection to the will of Yahweh. Certainly it is not “depression” in the view of the modern movement of “mental health”; that which scoffs at the idea that ALL mental dis-ease is a sin issue! This type of depression is holy. It is that which, via practice (I Yahchanan 3:7), subdues the personal will in joint effort with the Father and son. The 144,000 know that the death of “self” is the entire protocol mandated in Scripture and exemplified in Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset), and they understand that the utter completion (the actual mental resurrection promised) is at the discretion of Yahweh and Yahweh alone!

And the effects of this effort to press down (depressed) the personal will into nothingness, is of course the rest of the definition ʽânâyv; gentleness. Men, but not as the fallen thought plain perceives a “man” to be. Gentleness, kindness, all of the nine (“turn, inspect”; mental uprightness) fruits of the Mind! (Galations 5:22-23, Ephesians 5:9)

So in this case modern translations do well in translating the word ʽânâyv as “meek(ness)”. A mind conditioned, via Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Contract with chosen souls, to ever so trust Yahweh, that it rests while the world (those given over to the personal will and it's carnal emotions) rages on. Meekness – a very very necessary mental state for the time at hand.


Message 292


Message 294