Message 294

To hate or not to hate? Indeed it is the question, but proper mental perspective is warranted. A couple of verses should help clarify:

“Do we (chosen thoughts, chosen minds) not hate those (??) who hate You, O Yahweh? Do we not loathe (mentally “spurn”) those (??) who rise up against You? We hate them (??) with perfect hatred! We count them (??) as our enemies.” (Psalm 139:21-22) Written by Love (David) we see that it speaks to a “perfect hatred”. Perfect how? Without carnal emotions, that's how! To hate as Yahweh hates because it is righteous and holy to hate wickedness! Wickedness where? Who is the “those/them” above? None other then one's own thoughts that defy Yahweh's will, of course! Never about “other humans”, but rather, “My own wickedness within is that which I hate!”

“These six (representing the fallen mind) things Yahweh does hate (“enemy”), yes, seven (complete) an abomination (“abhorrence”) to Him: A proud look (mental view), a lying tongue (“language”; mind speak), hands (the mind's “grasp”) that shed innocent blood (mental life force), a mind that devises wicked imaginations (“intentions”), feet (“walk (mentally “go”) along”) that are swift in running to wickedness, a false witness (wrong thoughts “repeating “ within), and one who sows (mentally plants) discord among brothers (thoughts of “affinity”).” (Proverbs 6:16-19)

Perfect hatred, Yahweh hatred, always of and about matters within each individually chosen mind. 


Message 293


Message 295