Message 295

Just to be sure, just so we can keep advancing, let's again discuss some more of these “enemies” that we are to despise with “perfect hatred” (Psalm 139:21-22). We again discuss “from whence they come”. The totality of Scripture speaks volumes on the issue, but in this writer's mind's view, none better then at Colossians 1:21 –

“But you [chosen thoughts, chosen minds] formerly were aliens (“foreign, strange”), being enemies (“adversary” the sâtân of the matter; the personal will) in your minds, because of the wicked works (mind's actions), he [“Yahweh saves”; Yahshua] has now truly reconciled (consciously “covered”), in the body (total mindset) of his flesh (“raw, active” thoughts; in this case, of the personal will) through death (the obliteration of “self”), to present you [chosen thoughts, chosen minds] holy (mentally pure and clean) and blameless (as mental fault), and irreproachable (without accusation) in His [Yahweh] sight (mental perspective).”

The 144,000 know that those aliens (thoughts foreign to Yahweh's will, derived of the personal will) within don't disappear in a day; that Yahweh has seen fit to make salvation (a mind saved) a patterned process that takes time. They also know that when Yahweh speaks of His chosen children (“builders” of His Kingdom within) He often speaks of a finished product. It is His right to do so as One Who sees all things past, present  and future. They also know to whom they, the 144,000, will be “presented”, and this as the “brides” of Yahshua. (Revelation 21:9-10)


Message 294


Message 296