Message 297
“If a son (mind's “builder”) should ask bread (mental nourishment) from any of you who is a father (“chief” thoughts), would you give him a stone (hardness)? If a fish (“prolific, timid”), would you, instead of a fish, give him a hiss (the “whisper” of the personal will, erroneously called a “serpent”)? Or if he would ask for an egg (“insipid”), would you offer him a scorpion (mental “scourging”)? If you then, being wicked (bound to the personal will, lest Yahweh had enacted a Unilateral Mind Covenant), know how to give righteous (right thinking) gifts to your children, how much more will Heavenly (consciously lofty) Father give the Holy Mind to those [thoughts/minds] who ask Him?” (Luke 11:11-13)
Some verses leave multiple mysteries to be unveiled. Within the verses above we find several nuances that share much grander themes taught throughout Scriptures; the true Hebraic intent. We first find that though Yahweh allows for the idea that minds that still dabble in the “self”, can indeed think right (righteousness) at times, we forget not that “at times” does not mean “always”, and always is what is required! (see Yaaqob (James) 2:10) It is imperative to perceive “Why?” Yahweh would describe even His own chosen as both “wicked” and “righteous” in the same breath. Yaaqob 2:10 explains for Him. Another factor that needs consideration is the revealing that it is not singular thoughts that Yahweh offers, in order for one to overcome his own personal, fallen will, but rather, His entire allotted portion of His Mind is what He offers! A total takeover of one's own way of thinking! Not physical things, but internal, mental wholeness, of and from His presence placed within chosen minds. A wonder indeed!