Message 298

As it was with ʼÎyôwb איוכ (ee-yobe') (“persecuted, hated”; thoughts that until redeemed, seek to destroy Yahweh's will within; commonly known as “Job”), so to is it with Yirmeyâh ֑ירמיה (yir-meh-yaw') (“Yahweh will rise”; thoughts that lead to utter trust in Yahweh's will; commonly known as “Jeremiah”). Each, representative of a body of thoughts. Iyyob (Job), the mindset being persecuted by the mind's own personal will (the “sâtân” of scripture; the “adversary” to Yahweh's will), and Yeremyah (Jeremiah), the mind's conflicts with all brought on by “self”, while holding fast to Yahweh's promises and Covenant.

The 144,000 know that each “man” and the journeys taken by all of the “men” in scripture, are journeys within! And that each individual soul must either embrace and overcome, via the journeys, or face the downfalls found in each journey. They know that each verse of every chapter of every book in the Scriptures, is meant to tell of the internal Kingdom/kingdoms, and what one must do, or not, to end up in an eternal mental state; in One Kingdom or many lost kingdoms.

When reading about the plights and conquests of every priest, prophet, king, of the Scriptures, and yes even the men of fallen kingdoms, it is good and true to say, “This name the man resides within me in the same way,” and to do the work to see what Yahweh and Yahshua want to say to your mind about it all!


Message 297


Message 299