Message 299
Hebraically, there are two main types. The first is the Hebrew word ʽôl על (ole). It's definitions are “imposed, over do”. The second is the Hebrew word tsemed צמר (tseh'-med). It's definitions are “team, pair”. They both share the same common translations and yet, once again, very few ever speak to such definitions, and the serious ramifications of NOT doing so.
“Come (consciously draw near) to Me [Yahshua], all [thoughts/minds] who labor (“burden”) and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (mental repose). Take My YOKE upon you, and learn of Me: for I am meek (humble) and lowly (pious) in heart (“center of intellect”), and you will find rest for your souls (mind's breath). For My YOKE is easy and My burden (mental load) is light.” (Mattithyah 11:28-30)
The 144,000 know that the two Hebrew words above are translated commonly as the word “yoke”, and yet it is impossible that both apply to the verses given. Hebraic intent intact, it is clearly discussing a joint effort towards right thinking (righteousness); exactly what Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Contract with chosen souls demands! “You die to the 'self' and I resurrect your mind back into My Mind's presence!” This is the yoke Yahshua took upon himself, to teach chosen souls how to do the EXACT same thing; unto a mental resurrection. For the 144,000, a resurrection before physical death!