Message 300

“Now the earth (“firmly” established, lower thought plain, just now being createdbecame [was created] without form (“waste, desolation”) and empty (“ineffectual”); and darkness (“misery”) was upon the face (countenance) of the deep (“surging”; thoughts coming forth). And the Mind of Yahweh was hovering (“brood, be relaxed”) over the face (countenance) of the waters (“juice, urine, semen”; see “Liquidity”). And Yahweh said, 'Let there be light (“illumination”; mental clarity)!', and there was light. And Yahweh saw (perceived) the light, that it was beneficial (“do good, be well”); and Yahweh divided (“separate, distinguish”) between the lights (mind's illumination) and the darkness (mind's misery).” (Genesis 1:2-4)

The 144,000 realize that not only was the mind's “fall” a predetermined plan of Yahweh, but that to establish that part of the plan, would mean to establish the capacities in which it could all happen. Before there would be souls to contain the light and darkness of the lower thought plain, would be the plain itself, along with what would soon be titled “edible fruit” and “unedible fruit”. A further vetting of the “waters” is done in the piece “Liquidity”, and one does well to partake.

Earth/land/country/ground/world/way: an entire body of available thoughts, predetermined and made accessible for a predetermined fall!

Darkness and deep: the available, via “created” to be available, depths of thought capacity, distinctly different then Yahweh's thought world and what it would contain!

Light: Yahweh's impartation of the very beginning of a Unilateral Mind Covenant, that would go through several phases, until full manifestation. 


Message 299


Message 301