Message 301

A wife can't do it. Children can't either. No human can, for it was planned as such. The cry of the soul, to be filled with purpose and meaning, is a cry only Yahweh can answer, and to understand that this cry cannot be filled by wife, child, children, is a matter solved in silence. The 144,000 have been in the silence. Death of a loved one, divorce, bankruptcy, prison; just a few circumstances Yahweh allows to bring one to His purpose and meaning; the reason He created the individual soul.

“Resurrection” as a word itself, is not at all found in the Hebrew language. Even the Greek word often translated as resurrection (anastasis, an-as'-tas-is), is defined as “standing up”. Sure the Greeks and the Greek minded, teach it is a physical matter. The 144,000 know better. They know it speaks to a Hebrew concept of the once fallen mind, via Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant, being brought back into unison with His Mind; made mentally upright. The Hebrew understanding is to be, “upright (straight) in heart (“center of intellect”).” (Psalm 20:8, 32:11, 37:18, 64:10, 97:11, 112:2-4, 125:4, 140:13, and many more)

Purpose. Meaning. Only in Him can the 144,000 find such, and of course when they do, it also, Hebraic intent intact, will be realized when they say unto themselves, “My mind is filled Mighty Father! Thank You!”


Message 300


Message 302