Message 302

Two distinct Hebrew words, two distinct meanings and therefore, Hebraic intent.

beten בטן (beh'-ten); “be hollow (bend, bow)”

rechem רחם (rekh'-em); “fondle, compassion”

“And Yahweh said to her [“clog, fettering”; Rebekah], 'Two (division) nations (constructs of thought) are in your womb (beten) (materializing into conscious existence, then physical). Two peoples (congregations of thoughts) shall be separated (divided) from your body (thought world); one [Yaaqob – thoughts “supplanted” via Yahweh's will] shall be stronger (“be alert”) then the other [ʽÊsâv; the “carnal” thoughts of the personal will], and the older (traditions of fallen minds) shall serve the younger (newly implanted thoughts via Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant).” (Genesis 25:23)

“The wicked (“wrong” thoughts) are alienated (“cast” away) from thy womb (rechem)(not receiving His compassion in the context of the verse), they go astray as soon as they are born (mentally conceived), speaking (the “whisper” within) lies (mental deception).” (Psalm 58:3)

The 144,000 do the work. They say to themselves always, “Is there more then one Hebrew word, and therefore 'intent', to this modern translated word?” They understand the command to “Seek! (mentally search)”, and they indeed “Find! (come, exist).”


Message 301


Message 303