Message 304

It is “He who built (mentally established, for the conscious thought expanse) His upper (“elevation”) rooms (“standing”; mental uprightness) in the heavens (“lofty” thought expanse), and Who founded (created) the arch (“bind”) over the earth (aka, “land, country, world, way”; the firmly held to lower thought plain of fallen minds); Who summons (the internal messages) the waters (“floods”; the mind's torrents; see “Liquidity”) of the sea (the mind's tumultuous “roar”), and pours them upon the face (conscious countenance) of the earth – Yahweh is His Name!” (Amosyah 9:6)

Indeed it is the same “upper room” of Acts 1:13-14, and the 144,000 understand the context of all spoken before the verse above. That BECAUSE Yahweh is going to bring swift judgment upon His people (thoughts congregating, that claim allegiance to Him and His son), Yahweh finds it necessary to, for the hundredth time, explain how a mind even gets the chance to know Him. That there will be no excuse for “not knowing” what Yahweh's commands are, and that one's failure to attain to the “upper rooms”, is due to their desire for the carnal (all that the personal will desires) over the holy (Yahweh's Mind desires), and though His mercy is abundant, has it's end.


Message 303


Message 305