Message 305

“For lo (mentally behold), I will command, and I will sift (“waver”) the house (mindset) of Israel (thoughts that were commanded to be ruled by and for Yahweh's power; chosen minds failing to completely obey) among all nations (“mass”; constructs in thought), just as one shakes (separates) with the sieve (“augment, accumulate”), yet not the least grain (measure of faith; “packed, cramped”) will fall upon the earth (the “firmly” held to, lower thought plain, of fallen minds).” (Amosyah 9:9)

Chosen minds meant to be ruled by and for Yahweh's power; His glory; everything Yahweh. This is the Hebraic intent of what is meant when the word Yisrâʼêl ישראל (yis-raw-ale') is spoken. It is not meant to describe that which is already perfect (a saved mind), but rather, that which has been given both the equipping and the command to “Be perfect!” Chosen minds that via a Unilateral Mind Covenant, can remove all of the thoughts borne forth of the personal will, that is ever falling.

The 144,000 know that, “If I don't, He will!” And this in reference to an utter house (total mindset) cleaning that Yahweh mandates. A promise to His own son (internal “builder”), that his sacrifice (giving over of the totality of his entire personal will) would not be with even the smallest measure, scoffed at. Yahweh is soon to remove His voice from mind's not heeding His commands. And to know that it starts with Israel is a sobering thought indeed.


Message 304


Message 306