Message 306

A Covenant of faith; the faith itself given because of the Covenant (see Romans 12:6). It is this Renewed (again firmly established via Yahshua's mind life, and the actions that followed) Covenant which is the “better” Covenant: “For if the first [ability to “officiate”of one's own volition; the fallen Priesthood] had been faultless, then no place (mind space) would have been sought for the second [the Covenant enacted via Yahweh's Unilateral choice, ad the fulfillment of that choice].” (Hebrews 8:7)

The 144,000 understand the “Why?, Where?, When?, How?,” and most crucial, “Who?”, of the Renewed Covenant:

Why? Because had He not, all souls would be doomed!

Where? In the minds of chosen souls!

When? Right after Deuteronomy 29:4, of course!

How? Power! His Absolute Power, mixed with His great love of course!

Who? Say it out loud loved one! Say it out loud!


Message 305


Message 307