Message 307

“And now, he [Yahshua] has obtained that ministry (the keeping of all commands of the Law and prophets, via faith) which is more superior indeed, of which he is a better mediator (the mind's guide unto perfection; the exact way to achieve, “Not my will, but Thy will!”, with every thought you think) of the Covenant (that which “cuts” away all of the personal will, leaving only the will of the Father within), which was given upon a better promise (one where only Yahweh would do the promising, therefore guaranteeing the completion within each chosen soul) established in the Law (Mind patterns of Yahweh).” (Hebrews 8:6)

The “old” Covenant ended with broken stones, representing the hardened rebellion of man's mind apart from Yahweh's Holy interference. Never again would Yahweh need to reveal to His creation that the personal will would never subject itself to His Laws (Mind patterns); that both the fallen wisdom (male, right brain) and fallen understanding (female, left brain) of man was complete. Hebraic intent intact, Yahweh has fulfilled the part of His plan that speaks in such a way: “Every decision you make, based upon every thought you think, that is derived apart from My will, is death!”. Indeed, He calls ALL manifestations of the personal will as “death will”, while the modern church shouts “Free will, free will!” The Renewed Covenant stands in direct opposition to the “free will” mind. It is a, “My [Yahweh] will ONLY Covenant!”


Message 306


Message 308