Message 308
“Blessed is the man [thought capacity] you choose, whom You have caused (the result of a Mind Covenant enactment) to approach (“near”) You to dwell (mentally reside) in Your courts (the mind “enclosed” and “surrounded” by Yahweh's Mind)! He (the chosen mind) will be satisfied (“fill, be full”) with the pleasures of Your House (total mindset), of Your Holy (clean and pure thinking) Sanctuary (“consecrated” and “sacred” thought expanse, placed within chosen souls). (Psalm 65:4)
We have vetted the Hebrew word bachar בחר (baw-khar'), defined as “try, select”. Commonly translated as the word “choose”, it warrants more conversation. The 144,000 have been so very sifted within, that Yahweh's words, “The son (“builder”) can do nothing of himself (his “self”)!” (Yahchanan 8:28-29, 5:19-20), are fully consecrated within their minds. To the level that when Yahweh speaks of His “choosing” of His children (“builders” of His thoughts within), they say, “Had He not chose me and implemented His Unilateral Mind Contract, within my mind, I certainly would have forever hated (Romans 8:7) He and His son.” They first realized because His word said so, only to then realize because He indeed exposed their [the 144,000] “self” to them.
They, having come to see all of the depravity that lurks within their will apart from His, bow in submission.
“Thank You for not leaving me to my 'self' Mighty Yahweh! Thank You Yahweh for showing me exactly how to crucify (mentally slaughter) my 'self', that I could again be One with my Father's Mind.”