Message 310

“I have set (consciously established) you [“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”; 144,000) as assayer (“test”) of metals (the mind's “fortifications”), and My people (congregating thoughts) the ore (mind's production), so you (144,000) may observe (mentally “know”) and test their ways (mind paths).” (Yeremyah 6:27)

The 144,000 understand the disdain others have towards them. They know that it is “His” right thinking within them, that others have towards them. And the “others” is not speaking of and to the, “thoughts (total world of carnal minds/men) gone mad!”, but rather, to those who profess belief. The 144,000 are more often to be ridiculed by those who claim to be of the “church”, then those foreign to Yahweh's Ways. Part and parcel of this is of course due to the fact that as it was with Yahshua, who could clearly perceive the “brood (mental “nestling”) of vipers (the “hiss” of the personal will),” so too can the 144,000. And they don't mince words with such! It is those who again, claim faith, that will resist the words of the 144,000.

A very quiet, until told otherwise, refined, individual journey. Just like Yahshua! Knowing that man (thoughts yet fully saved) could offer little, necessitated a very quiet, internal journey, with the Father and son.


Message 309


Message 311