Message 311
The Hebrew word is nâbâʼ נבא (naw-baw'). It's definition is “prediction”. In modern terms it is commonly translated as “prophesied”.
“When the Mind (Yahweh's allotted portion of His thought boundaries He made available to chosen souls) rested (“settle”) on them [complete wisdom' “seventy elders”], they prophesied (“predicated”; exactly as was mentally revealed to them), and did not cease (“settle”; compromise).” (Numbers 11:25)
The 144,000 also attach wonderment and awe to the idea(s) of and about prophecy, but they also realize the simple purity of it. That it is simply an extension of a mind in love with and devoted to Yahweh and Yahshua. They long to be called not only “son (builder)”, but as with ʼAbrâhâm (“chief of a multitude”; thoughts regarding Yahweh's authority over the mind) and Môsheh (“drawing out”; thoughts that seek the will of Yahweh), they want to be called “friend”. (Exodus 33:11, II Chronicles 20:7, Isayah 41:8, Yahchanan 3:29, Yaaqob (James) 2:23) An “associate” (friend) of Yahweh means intimate connectivity means ascertainment of future matters; the predictions of what will come. Yes indeed, wonderment and awe, of and for the process, but also, expectation! If one “seeks”, then it must be that one “finds”, for it is He who established such a pattern. (Deuteronomy 4:29, I Chronicles 16:10, Psalm 63:1, Amosyah 5:4, Psalm 40:16, Luke 12:31)
The end of the age is here. That itself is not even a prediction, but a reality written (mentally inscribed) by Yahweh Himself. The 144,000 seek to operate within this truth and their predictions are about how to operate within a predetermined end. Intimacy to know!