Message 312
Two Hebrew words suffice:
chălôm חלום (khal-ome'); “bind, make plump”
machăzeh מחזה (makh-az-eh'); “perceive, contemplate”
“Then the malʼâk (“dispatch, message”; erroneously translated as “angel”) of Yahweh spoke to me in a chălôm (mental binding, causing the mind to be filled; commonly translated as “dream(s)”)....” (Genesis 31:11)
Yesterday we spoke of nâbâʼ (“prediction”; commonly translated as “prophesied”). It is through dreams (chălôm) that Yahweh often reveals to the mind, predictions of the future.
“... the word (mental “plan”) of Yahweh came to ʼAbrâm (“high chief”; thoughts that reverence Yahweh's will) in a machăzeh (internal picture within one's thoughts, leading one to be able to perceive futiure events; commonly translated as “vision(s)”)...” (Genesis 15:1)
Another of Yahweh's patterned processes of how one comes to be able to predict future events; both in dreams and visions. The 144,000 know that daily connectivity, that intimacy we spoke of, also brings great revelation, but they pay attention to EVERY pattern. They scoff at such carnal ideas as “luck” and “coincidence”.