Message 315
“Our eyes (mental perceptions) have seen the defeat of those [wicked thoughts] who lie in wait for us; of the wicked who rose against us. Our ears (“broadness”; the mind's ability to understand) have heard, 'The righteous (right thinking) will flourish (mentally “break” free from “self”) like a palm (“erect”; mentally upright) tree (“firm” truth). We will grow (“enlarge”) like a cedar (“firm”; mentally solid) in Lebanon (“light, brilliant”). Those [each thought] who are planted (established) in the House (total Mindset) of Yahweh will flourish (“break, bloom”) in the courts (“enclosed, surround”; mind space filled with Yahweh's Presence) of our Father.'” (Psalm 92:11-13)
“Carry me Yahweh, to Your home, Your Mind.” Many tears, many rivers full. Tons of eternal struggle, wars of the wilderness. So much lost hope, rebuilt in what seemed to be “forever”, at times. Pieces of anger , even rage, slowly relinquished with each cry of the mind. Processes the 144,000 know all too well. And it's not just the experience of and through each mental station, its the unwavering understanding of how necessary it all was – directly equivalent to the depths of depravity the personal will is willing to go.
Confession, confession, confession! Until the mind cries, “I'm tired of confessing Father. Won't You heal?” And then pieces of that very healing, released. Like a flicker of light, equivalent to a firefly in the dark night. Just a flicker at first, but it's there. You saw (perceived) it. At times, there and gone, but it was there. The mind saying, “I can go another day.”
The 144,000 are humble and compassionate, and quiet. It is because they know loved one. They understand that though “crucifixion” is not a Hebrew word, it does well at expressing Hebraic intent; what a soul must do in order to shake off forever, the personal will.