Message 314

“Then the Mind of Yahweh came upon Zekaryâh זכריה (zek-ar-yaw') (“Yahweh has remembered”; thoughts leading to faith in Yahweh), the son (“builder”) of Yôwyâdâ יוירע (yo-yaw-daw') (“Yahweh has known”; thoughts leading to reliance upon Yahweh; commonly known as “Jehoiada”) the High (“rise”) Priest (“officiate”; thoughts that judge the mind's intent). He [thoughts leading to faith in Yahweh] said to them [disobedient thoughts], 'This is what Yahweh says: Why do you transgress (“cross”; go beyond the boundaries of thought that Yahweh has allotted to chosen souls) the Laws (Mind Patterns) of Yahweh, to make yourselves (your “self” will) unable to succeed (mentally prosper)? Because you [disobedient thoughts] have forsaken (mentally “relinquished”) Yahweh, He has also forsaken you.” (II Chronicles 24:20)

It is not just the thoughts given, but also the frame of mind (“Zekaryâh the son of  Yôwyâdâ”) from which specific thoughts derive. “Frame of mind” does well to encapsulate Hebraic intent of what it is meant to look like within the mind. A mental picture made clear via a body of thoughts, all geared towards Yahweh's will. Diviners, fortune tellers, witches and the like, have their carnal ways of conjuring; Yahweh giving them over to each wicked desire. The 144,000 understand that Yahweh's patterned process, in conjuring His will, is found in obedience to His Mind patterns (Laws). They understand that all mental prosperity (success) can only come the way Yahweh Almighty says it can come! They have done much to quench that ever wanton “whisper (the self will, erroneously called a “serpent”)” within.


Message 313


Message 315