Message 317
“But I [Yahshua; the “Yahweh saves” mindset] am a worm (“voracious, devour”), and no man [thought], but despised! I am scorned by men (other thoughts) and despised by the people (congregating thoughts). Those who see (perceive) me laugh (mock), they shoot their lips, (mind's boundaries), they shake their heads (chief thoughts), saying, 'He trusted Yahweh, let Him save him! Let Him deliver him, since He delights in him.' But you took me from my mother's (the mind's emotional “bonds”) womb (“hollow”; unformed thinking), Yahweh! You made (an understanding of the impact of Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant) me trust You, even from my mother's breasts (“building, swell'; insolence).” (Psalm 22:6-9)
The 144,000 understand that Yahshua understood his standing both before the Father and mankind. Radically different perspectives indeed, and they marvel at his eloquence in describing his plight. Cherished, yet hated. King of the world, yet as a maggot. Worthy of the highest honor, yet despised. The 144,000 don't pretend it is to be some “other way” for those who heed the call of the Father. And they understand that everything written in the verses above, first takes place in the individual thought world of chosen, living souls. That it is a war between one's own thoughts of and about the mental patterns that Yahweh both allows and commands. The only war worth fighting, being that which longs to be righteous (right thinking) and understands the mind's personal opposition to such thinking. Many worms (voracious thoughts) within.