Message 318
It is a mixture of two Hebrew words:
shânîy שני (shaw-nee'); “deep red”; carnality
tôwlâʻ תולע (to-law'); “voracious, devour”; the “worm” from yesterday's message; the ever devouring personal will.
Together, these two words are commonly translated as “scarlet”; carnal voraciousness! And we see how Yahshua of Psalm 22:6-9 understood what was being placed upon his “self”; first in his own mind, then in life physical. The “scarlet” of fallen minds, his to bear.
The 144,000 understand that if Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) had failed, had he given in to the scarlet placed upon his mind, all would be doomed. They also understand that because he “fully accomplished (erroneously translated as “finished”)” all that the Father asked of him, that a door was now open to chosen souls. A door within the mind allowing for holy thoughts to enter in, where there was once dark spaces: “He did it and commanded that I must too, saying, “Be perfect, just as your Father Who is in heaven (the “lofty” thought expanse) is perfect.” (Mattithyah 5:48)
“Come now, let us (thoughts borne forth of Yahweh's will, speaking to individual, chosen minds) reason together, says Yahweh: though your sins (mind's transgressions) be like scarlet, they will be white (pure) as snow (“whiteness”); though they are red (carnal) like crimson (voracious), they will be as wool.” (Isayah 1:18)