Message 319

“hearing hollow refuge.” “Understanding skewed, and seeking unfounded solace.”

And of such, in it's organic state, it cries, “Get away from me (skewed understanding within that seeks mental solace in vacant places), for I [“Simon Kepha”] am a sinful man [body of thought] O' Ruler [Yahshua].” (Luke 5:8)

Simon Kepha means “hearing hollow refuge”, and as stated, represents the mind's “understanding” that is skewed and therefore seeks solace in the wrong places. Kepha (“Peter”) as with Binyâmîyn (“builder of righteous power”; commonly known as Benjamin), represents the “faith” faculty within. One of twelve mental faculties, of this one (faith) Yahshua said: “That upon this rock (“faith” established within, via Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant) Yahweh, I will build this house (totality of one's thoughts); and the gates (mind's openings) of sheʼôwl (the mind's mental “hell”, caused by the personal will) will not prevail against it [“faith” placed into one's thought body].” (Mattithyah 16:18)

The 144,000 speak often of the Hebraic reality that both “faith” and “love” are gifted unto chosen souls. (Romans 12:3 & Romans 5:5) It's a striking truth that literally sums up the effects of Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Contract with chosen souls. They also understand, via the trials of Kepha, what “faith” must endure in order for it's perfection within a soul; the journeys of Kepha IS the journeys of faith within the mind! Now look (mentally perceive) at all of Scripture with these truths in play, and everything changes loved one – everything changes.


Message 318


Message 320