Message 320

The Hebrew word is saq שק (sak). It's definitions are “run, seek”.

“Then Yaʻăqôb (thoughts “supplanted” with Yahweh's will) tore his clothes (mind's “sustaining”), put on saq (“run, seek”; thoughts desperate to hear from Yahweh; commonly translated as “sackcloth”), and mourned for his son (“builder”; in the context of this verse, mourning over both the “will” and “understanding” faculties – Yôwcêph) many days.” (Genesis 37:34)

“Woe to you Kôwr ʻâshân כור עשן (“treading of anger”; commonly “Chor-Ashan”)! Woe to you Bayith tsayâd ציר (“mind chased”; commonly “Bethsaida”)! For if the works of power which were done in you had been done in Tsôr צר (“pressed”; commonly “Tyre”) and Tsîydon צירון (“catching”, commonly “Sidon”), they [reprobate thinking] would have repented a great while ago, sitting (mediating) in sackcloth (thoughts desperate to hear from Yahweh) and ashes (“bestrew”).” (Luke 10:13)

Mental states. Its what the Hebrew language was created to do, to create mental states, awareness, and then of course the physical plain that would follow. The 144,000 understand that only the mental is eternal, the physical only around for exactly 5,880 years. Mastery of the mind is Yahweh's work within chosen souls, the physical plain merely props to aid His endeavor.


Message 319


Message 321