Message 321
“If then you are risen (mentally upright) with the anointing (the mind “rubbed” with Yahweh's Mind), seek (mentally pursue) those things which are from on high, where the anointing sits, at the right (wisdom, kindness, victory) hand (the mind's “grasp”) of Yahweh. Set your understanding (female side; left brain) and will (the faculty represented by ʼEphrayîm and Mattithyah) on things (mental matters) from on high, not on things (mental matters) of the earth (aka “country, land, world, way”; the firmly held to lower thought plain of the fallen minds): For you [the personal will] are dead (mentally void) and your life (mind) is hid (protected, yet in need of discovery) with the anointing (represented fully by the “Yahweh saves” mindset; Yahshua) in Yahweh.” (Colossians 3:1-3)
The personal will has long ago been deemed “dead”. Dead does not mean it somehow is not still hindering many, but rather, that anything performed (within of course) under it's guidance will fail! And that failure meant, very simply, mind pain! The 144,000 have practiced hard, sifting through “Which thoughts are from my fallen self, and which are from You, Mighty Yahweh?” They too were stunned and amazed at the amount of junk within; that produced of and from the personal will. As with holy thinking, dirty thinking has it's layers upon layers. Constructs of thought (nations within), built up over time. And yes, it takes time (lots of confessing) to destroy those nations. They long for the Mind of Yahweh and it's hidden ways. Every morning, noon and night, they press in.