Message 323

“Let not your heart (“center of intellect”) be troubled; you believe in Yahweh, believe also in me (the “Yahweh saves” mindset). In my Father's House (“build”; the totality of the allotted boundaries of thought Yahweh has placed of Himself, into chosen minds) there are many dwellings (mental seats, mental causes); if it were not so, I would have told you. I go (into full obedience) to prepare a place (mental space) for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again (into conscious view), and receive you to myself; that where I am (in resurrected mental state), you may be also.” (Yahchanan 14:1-3)

It was his mind's life lived, that showed chosen minds how to live. The blueprints to the complete removal of the personal will, is what he spoke to as his “preparation” process, knowing full well that the Father laid before him a promise – to bring him into full mental unity with Himself! And within that immense mental space, was an existence for each chosen mind; an external path of thought for each chosen mind. Yahshua's “reception” of those he prepared for is not a mere one time event, but what Scripture would refer to as the mind being “drawn (approaching in worship)” to the Father. The 144,000 understand that the mental place in which Yahshua is to ultimately draw a mind to, is what Scripture referred to as the ascended state. (Yahchanan 20:17) It is this prepared place the 144,000 strive for every day.


Message 322


Message 324