Message 324

“He [Yahweh] sent a man (body of thought; Yôwcêph, “let Him add”; representing the will (ʼEphrayim) and understanding (Menasheh) faculties within), before them (all remaining mental faculties) – Yôwcêph (the “will” and “understanding” faculties) was sold (mentally “surrendered”) as a slave (“work, serve”; mental toil). They [foreign thoughts] hurt his feet (mental stability) with fetters (“twine”; turmoil within); he was laid (entered) in iron (“cutting, pierce”; mental affliction) until what He [Yahweh] had told (prophesied) came to pass (the other faculties bowing to the “will” and “understanding” faculties): the saying of Yahweh tried him. The king (“chief” thoughts) sent and released (ease of mental afflictions and toil); a ruler of the peoples (congregating thoughts) let him (a specific body of thoughts dealing in the “will” and “understanding” of Yahweh's Mind) go free. He [thoughts bound to belief in the personal intellect, the “pharaoh” within] placed him (the “will” and “understanding” faculties, led by Yahweh) in charge of his house (mindset), and a ruler of all his wealth (mental prosperity). To instruct (mentally goad) his princes (leading thoughts) in his will, and teach his elders (seasoned thoughts) wisdom (the “chokmâh” חכמה of the Tree (truth) of Life (Mind) within chosen minds).” (Psalm 105: 19-22

There is plenty to chew on here. You see how you knew the “chewing” was a mental matter! The 144,000 know it is always the case. Always.


Message 323


Message 325