Message 326
The Hebrew word is tsâraʽ צרי (tsaw-rah'). It's definitions are “scourge, be stricken”. And of “scourge” we find the Hebrew word shôwt שוט (shote). It's definition, “lash”.
In a dynamic Renewed Covenant setting, we find Yahshua not only healing one's mental lashing (commonly known as “leprosy”), but also prescribing the proper mental sacrifice (slaughtering): “But go, show yourself to the priest (thoughts that properly “officiate” Yahweh's Mind within), and make an offering prescribed through Mosheh (the thoughts that “draw out” Yahweh's will), for your cleansing as a testimony to them (all other sick and doubting thoughts that dis-ease the mind).” (Luke 5:14)
Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) indeed spoke every Mind pattern (Law) of Yahweh. Guiding the mind healed of leprosy, he points to Leviticus 14 for the prescribed mental offerings. Offerings that one does well to vet out, in order to see what thoughts (the objective of all Hebraic intent) Yahweh requires to bring a mind back into clean thinking. It is certainly an epic undertaking – finding the Hebraic intent of every letter, word, verse, context, of every single scripture. But the 144,000 ask themselves, “What work could be more worthy?”, and they keep pressing in, morning by morning, day by day, night by night.