Message 327

“Not that we of ourselves (our “self” will) are adequate to think of anything as from ourselves, but our ability (mental capability) is from Yahweh. Who has also made (via a Unilateral Mind Covenant) us competent ministers (thoughts who “attend” to Yahweh's Mind within) of the Renewed Covenant (starting at Deuteronomy 29:4) – not of letter (“engrave”; prescribed Covenant wherein each mind must uphold Yahweh's Mind patterns WITHOUT His gifts of faith (Romans 12:3) and love (Romans 5:5)) but of Mind (Yahweh's unilateral decision to place allotted portions of His Mind within chosen souls) – for that which was written (commands engraved on a will separate from Yahweh's) condemns to death (mental depravity), but the mind invests with life (“raw, active” thoughts borne forth from Yahweh's Mind, placed into the chosen soul).” (II Corinthians 3:5-6)

For the 144,000, some verses speak Hebraic intent so simply and purely. Direct context of the entire purpose of sixty-six (66 = 12; 12 = perfectly governed mind; 12 = 3; 3 = mind resurrected) books of the Scriptures. Far from being a “religion” or “denomination”, but more truthfully, a mathematical equation allowing a fallen mind to come back into full unity with Yahweh's Mind. Blueprints to do exactly as Yahshua  (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) did, first in his thoughts, then in the physical actions that followed every thought. “How does one crucify his own 'self' in order to mentally resurrect?” Sixty-six books speaking specifically to this! The verses above speaking directly to this! Everything that matters about anything, speaking directly to this!


Message 326


Message 328