Message 338

Shimshôwn שמשון (shim-shone); “light, be brilliant”

Delîylâh רלילה (del-ee-law'); “languishing, oppressed”

Indeed it is those deeper truths about mental states, that the Hebrew language always delivers upon. When one comes to comprehend that “Delilah” was from the “Valley (“torrent”) of Sorek (“red - piercing”),” one comes to see where the emotional oppression derives from within. And when one's emotions (the female aspect, left brain) are off kilter, the assault upon one's wisdom (the “Samson”) leaves the mind to operate in the irrational alone!

The 144,000 have learned to explore the context of the Scriptures at a much deeper level to come to understand that when Delilah betrays Samson, what the real intent means to say, the Hebraic intent. And how even wisdom of and from Yahweh can be seduced by misdirected emotions. The very story of the original fall of the mind, no?

And so new opportunities arrive to explore the Scriptures anew, and to find what Yahweh intends to say about His Kingdom of thought verses fallen kingdoms of thought – all constructs derived of the personal will. The 144,000 understand that nothing or no one of the physical plain, can be held responsible for the mind's mishaps! Yahweh will have none of it! Total individual responsibility is the only acceptable position, and this of each individual mind!


Message 337


Message 339