Message 339
“Can you [personal will] bind the chains (mental influences) of Pleiades (“cluster, store away”; higher truths), or loose (“open”) the bands (“drawing”) of Orion (“burly, be fat”; foolishness)? Can you bring forth Mazzaroth (“distinction, abstain”; convictions) in their season (appointed times for mental understandings)? Can you guide Arcturus (“migration, hasten”; mental growth) with his sons (“builders”)?” (Iyyob 38:31-32)
We are coming to the end of our time together, in reference to these messages of course. If it is not yet fully established within you, perhaps the message is in that true reality? Do Hebrew words and their definitions EVER speak first, to life physical? Or does the intent of every letter and the words they form, speak of and about internal matters, first and foremost?
The 144,000 have and/or are deciding right now! And the defining is crucial! Though in many ways, private and personal understandings, they have corporate implications. Twelve thousand (12,000 = 12; perfect governance of mind; 12 = 3; resurrection of mind) from every tribe (mental faculty), in its simplest form, speaking to an individual perfected mind; a saved, sealed mind. But they work together. As “brides”, yes, plural, they do Yahweh's bidding. Bidding during the annihilation of the personal will, and the reclamation of chosen souls.