Message 340

“Then Yahweh appeared to Shelômôh (“peaceful; commonly, “Solomon”) that night (“twist, adversity”), and said to him (the body of thought intended for peace), 'I have heard your prayer, and I have chosen this place (“standing”; mental position) for myself (the allotted portions and boundaries of His Mind, made available to chosen souls) as a House (the total allotment) for sacrifice (“slaughter”; where all thoughts of the personal will are struck, smitten, massacred and defeated).'” (II Chronicles 7:12)

Though his father (chief thoughts) Dâvîd was intended to express the love (“boiling”) of Yahweh within a soul, we see that the “boiling” represents pure love mixed with human emotion; not yet perfected if you will. And in this Yahweh sees fit to build (House) His eternal Presence in the mind at peace (Solomon). For if the mind is truly at peace, then it is a work Yahweh has and could accomplish within each individual mind. A mind at peace builds Yahweh's thoughts within! “At peace”, has it's purposes as the Scripture alludes to. While at peace, a poise and balance is offered, enabling one to properly vet out every thought that enters into one's thought streams (Romans 12:2, II Corinthians 10:3-6), and set upon His altar within, those carnally based thoughts in need of slaughtering.

The 144,000 know it is theirs to bring forth that which requires slaughtering; the practical act of confession. They also fully comprehend that it is He Alone Whom can forever eradicate what needs to be pulverized. A mighty work from His Mighty House within, indeed.


Message 339


Message 341