Message 341

The Hebrew word is Shebâʼ שכא (shab-aw'). It's definition is “oath”.

And in this word and the context to which it speaks, we will see emotions bound to self reliance and the personal will. This is the Hebraic intent when discussing the “Queen of Sheba”, and the emotions “oath” to anything but the will of Yahweh , taking place even after realizing what Yahweh's Glory intends to do in chosen souls: “Blessed be Yahweh your Father who delights in you [“peaceful” thoughts], setting you on His throne as king (reigning thoughts) for Yahweh your Father.” (II Chronicles 9:8)

Emotions bound to the personal will, never giving the mind the ability to, with wisdom (male side, right brain), declare Yahweh to be “My Father!”, but rather, “your” Father.

The 144,000 have forever established, not yet having necessarily fully perfected, the mind's emotional states, and their heavy influence over wise decision making. It is said that Gingas Khan would have his sons stand naked in freezing cold water, and teach them of what he called the “cold face”. Though freezing, his sons were not allowed to show one bit of struggle on their faces. If so, they stayed in the freezing water until their faces showed no “emotion”. Indeed the 144,000 understand Yahweh's ways are always better, but the point is made. Emotions bound to life physical will never be able to truly say, “My Father!”


Message 340


Message 342