Message 343
“The 'building' was removed from the 'burying'.” The exact Hebrew meaning of “the stone was removed from the grave/sepulcher”. (Mattithyah 27:66, Mark 16:3-4, Luke 24:2, Yahchanan 11:41). And the 144,000, having exhaustively sought out true Hebraic intent, understand that what is being expressed of and about matters within the mind, is that Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) was the first to experience a mind that could never again contemplate the temptations of the personal will: No more thoughts of the personal will able to effect conscious behaviors – the building was removed from the burying!
And yet a full “ascension” (Yahchanan 20:17) was still to be had; the total mind transformation into complete unity with the Mind of Yahweh! Indeed some mysteries are intended to stay as such for now, yet we receive glimpses of understanding.
We need to be with Him. To really be immersed into Him, ascended into Him. Its what the soul chosen was created for. Has not everything else paled in comparison to that thought, for you? I write the messages and as I do, my heart (“center of intellect”, of course) longs to have pieces within that I can see are missing. The mind's longings, the things I so want to no longer build upon, the broken places.