Message 345
“He has blinded (“film”) their eyes (mind's “fountain”) and hardened (“seized”) their hearts (“center of intellect”), or they would see (perceive) with eyes and understand with heart, or they would be converted (“turn”; repentive), so that I should heal them [reprobate thoughts, reprobate minds/reprobate men).” (Yahchanan 12:40)
“But God loves everybody!” The 144,000 understand that Yahweh is no “God”, nor does He ever represent Himself as such (see, “Bye God!”)! And they certainly understand that those whom can be referred to as the unchosen, are simply those who “Before they were born (physically manifested), were steeped in sin!” (Psalm 51:5) Its a matter we have previously discussed, but Yahweh has deemed fit to have us revisit. That some souls get to go right where their reprobate desires demand; the sheʼôwl (commonly “hell”) of the matter, wherein a mind is forever separated from the Presence of Yahweh's Mind – hell indeed!
Why the “God loves everyone!” mantra? A lack of “self” control of course! A lack of understanding of Yahweh's Holiness and His expectation of His chosen, of course! The 144,000 understand a simple concept, that if Yahweh is love and that love can “never fail”, it would certainly be a failure of His to allow for sheʼôwl in the first place! “He loves them, but they end up in hell?” Indeed it would be a failure at love; He is the Sovereign after all.
It is such a time as this, (Hădâccah הרסה/ʻEctêr אסתר commonly, “Hadassah/Esther” 4:14) loved one. A time to perceive those whom He does love and those He does not. Lest you find yourself right in the midst of the enemies camp, believing, “I'm supposed to help save them...”