Message 346

The Hebrew word is Mordekay מררכי (mar-dek-ah'-ee). It's definition is “little man”.

“Let a royal (“dominion”) robe (“cover”) which the king (“reigning thoughts) has worn be brought out, with a horse (“skip, swallow”; power) on which the king has ridden, and the crown (“diadem, enclose”) of the kingdom (mental dominion) which sits on the king's head (“shake, rustle”; leading thoughts).” (Hădâccah/ʻEctêr 6:8)

It is the position Yahweh intends for every humble (“little man”; commonly known as “Mordecai”) minded soul. Humility (the mind's “modesty” and willing “depression” of “self”) is of the most treasured of mental states in the eyes (perceptions) of Yahweh Himself. He adores, covets, blesses and inspires the humbled mind. And be sure, as the 144,000 are, that He will do what is required to bring every chosen mind into such a state! It is those willing to, before physical death, “lose life to find it!” (Mattithyah 10:39, Mark 8:35-36, Luke 9:24, Yahchanan 12:25), that receive that which Mordecai represents. That even the foreign king (thoughts “strange” to Yahweh's will within) will hand over the authority within, as no “self” derived thought can stand against a mind humbled before Yahweh!

On the brink of a required death (the loss of the entire personal will), into the Light of life (mind) that only Yahweh can offer!


Message 345


Message 347