Message 356

ʻalmâh עלמה (al-maw'); “veiled”. It is the feminine aspect of the word ʻelem עלם (eh-lem); “kept out of sight”. Both times this word is utilized in the Old Covenant, it is discussing the soon to be king David (I Samuel 17:56 and 20:22), and is commonly translated as “lad, boy”.

Both the feminine aspect and the male aspect speak to the Hebraic intent of that which is “concealed” within; protected by Yahweh. The crucial aspect of these words can also be further understood by their root word, ʻâlam עלם (aw-lam'). It's definitions are “veil, conceal”.

Does any of this speak to sexual matters to you?

Good! It should not as it does not! And yet we find that in reference to the mother of Yahshua (Isayah 7:14) and even the 144,000 (Revelation 14:4), these words have taken on the horrible translation “virgin(s)”. Rather then protected thoughts within, both from the emotional (female) and logical (male) side of the brain, we have seen it turn into a matter of sexuality. It was never the Hebraic intent to be so. Indeed it speaks to purity, but purity of emotion and wisdom, not sexuality. The 144,000 are those set apart, concealed, for the work of Yahweh. Though one who thinks rightly could never be a whore, it was never about the physical plain!


Message 355


Message 357