Message 355

The Hebrew word is pâdâh פרה (paw-daw'). It's definition is “sever”. It's root definition is “open”. In the severing comes an opening. Can you see the Hebraic intent without being given the modern translation of pâdâh? Its time you were able to do so! To look at life physical and say of and about any of it, “It is a manifestation, the 'after effect', of life mental! The physical follows the mental!”

And in this we do find the word commonly translated for pâdâh, is the word “ransomed”.

“And the ransomed (minds “severed” from the personal will and now “open” to Yahweh's will) of Yahweh will return (via repentance), and come to Tsîyôwn ציון (total mental “clarity”; commonly known as “Zion”) with songs (the mind's echoing) and everlasting (eternal) joy upon their heads (“shaking”; active thoughts). They [chosen thoughts/chosen minds] will obtain (via Yahweh's Unilateral act of love) joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.” (Isayah 35:10)

Unlike American political policy, Yahweh indeed ransoms His chosen elect, and brings them into full peace, joy and love. No politics allowed!


Message 354


Message 356