Message 354

“For two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings, then the saints will be cleansed.” (Daniel 8:14)

Often spoken of as the “sanctuary” being cleansed, the Hebrew word being translated is qôdesh קרש (ko'-desh). It's definitions are “sacred, sanctify”. It's root definition is “be clean”, speaking to the sanctification Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant produces within chosen souls. And of course if one were to look to the Hebrew word for a word known as “saint”, one would find the Hebrew word qâdôsh קרוש (kaw-doshe'), which shares the same root definition as qôdesh above.

The 144,000 understand that many translators of the Scriptures also hold tight to the bogus “Pre-Tribulation Rapture” theory. A theory that would in fact have to acknowledge that if the seven seals of Revelation is “God's wrath”, then that God would be killing His own children at Revelation 6:9-11. It is not Yahweh's wrath, but rather Yahweh giving sâtân (the carnal will at it's height) a season to utterly test His saints (Revelation 12:10-12). A time period that is specifically “2300 days.” A time period that is the exact years of 2020 to 2026 (mid year). A time that is now! A time when “cleansing” means the fulfillment of mental salvation for the many who have feared it for far too long!


Message 353


Message 355