Message 353
“So the other disciples (mental faculties/mental disciplines) said to him [“double understanding”; thoughts confused about the will of Yahweh; commonly known as “Thŏmas”], 'We have seen (consciously perceived) Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset)!' But he (doubting thoughts) said to them (the other mental faculties), 'Unless I will see (perceive) in his hands (mental “grasp”) the print (“struck”) of the nails (“bristling”; the thick covering of the mind's piercing, unto the death of the “self” will), and put my finger (“rasp, seize”; thoughts that are irritated and need understanding) into the print of the nails, and put my hand (ability to “grasp”) into his side (mental quarters), I will not believe!” (Yahchanan 20:25)
As with Menashsheh of the Old Covenant, Thŏmas represents those thoughts that until fully redeemed, fail to “understand”. It is the “understanding” faculty that has been placed after the “will” (represented by ʼEphrayim and Mattithyah) faculty, for to “understand” comes after the idea that one must obey the will of the Father, and submitting to it, only then comes fully understanding the Father!
The 144,000 understand that the understanding faculty is always being tested, even when face (countenance) to countenance (face) with the “Yahweh saves” mindset within. They know that the personal will holds on hard to having to be able to comprehend, but the Father says, “Let go!” For He has said that His ways (Mind paths) are very much higher then the personal will's own ways.