Message 352
Of the ninety plus percent of things the Greek language gets wrong when it comes to the Hebrew language and how to translate it's definitions and their intent, every now and then, the Greeks get it almost right.
If we were to take from a Hebrew word the Greeks try to translate, the “self-denial”, we would applaud the Greeks for getting it exactly right. But we could not look past the idea that before the Greeks got to “self-denial”, in their attempt to translate a Hebrew word, they also utilized “cross” to attempt to translate the Hebrew word.
The actual Greek word is staurŏs αταυρός (stŏw-ros'). The Hebrew word it attempts to translate is one we vetted before, the word yâthêd יתר (yaw-thade'). Yâthêd is defined as “pin, peg, stake”, and the Hebraic intent speaks to the truth that one's own personal will must be crucified! So in “self-denial” the Greeks got it right, but in stating that it also means “cross”, has set the world (fallen thought expanse) ablaze with misdirection! The Greeks actually put the word “stake” BEFORE “cross”, but it mattered not. And the host of translators of the Scriptures fell prey to the Greek and even Roman ideology. That what is truly being discussed is not a matter of physical life at all, but it's physical representation is actually a tree/stake (Genesis 40:19, Deuteronomy 21:22, Yahshua 8:29, Acts 5:30, Acts 10:39, Acts 13:29, I Kepha 2:24)and NOT a cross! Yahshua was not crucified on a cross and the 144,000 care about every single detail of the Scriptures! His self was crucified on a tree/stake (truth), and he volunteered for such.