Message 351
“It will come to pass in that day (the internal illumination of both the mental destruction of the wicked and the mental purging of the righteous) the remnant (“remainder, redundant”) of Israel (thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power), and such who have of the house (mindset) of Yaʻăqôb (thoughts “supplanted” by Yahweh's will, via His Unilateral Mind Covenant), will no longer depend on him (the sâtân within) who struck them down, but will depend (consciously rely) on Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel, in truth... But though your people (congregating thoughts), O Israel, be like the sand (“writing”) of the sea (“roar, noisy”), a remnant of them will return (repent); the consumption (“pining, destruction”) will overflow with righteousness (right thinking). For Yahweh, Father of hosts (the “mass” of thoughts sent either to destroy or save) will make a consumption (destruction); a determination in the midst of all the earth (the “firmly” held to, lower thought plain of fallen minds).” (Isayah 10:20-23)
The 144,000 understand the deeper dynamics of ALL THINGS YAHWEH! Scripture speaks to not only the remnant of Israel, as described in Romans 9:6-8; showing that salvation does not incorporate physical matters and physical birth places. Scripture also speaks to a remnant who has “escaped” (Yahyl (Joel) 2:32, Luke 21:36) what is known as the “wrath of sâtân (the time when Yahweh lets the carnal mind rule, and physically kill His people; see Revelation 12:9-12 and Revelation 6:9-11)”. It is the 144,000 who are spoken of as this remnant within the remnant.