Message 350

It would be at Yahshua (the precursor of the “Yahweh saves” mindset) chapter 18, verse 10, where each mental faculty would receive it's land (thought plain to stand within), according to it's faculty (tribal) divisions (“smooth”,; cunning mental abilities). If one was to read from 18:10 all the way to chapter 21, verse 45, one would find the “boundaries” each faculty was allotted and held to.

For instance, Binyâmîn (the “faith” faculty within) received the first lot (“be rough, portion”), and if one were to look at verses 11 through 28 of Yahshua chapter 18, they would find the mental boundaries allotted to “faith”. Lets look at 18:12 to see a small portion of that allotment:

“On the northern (“dark”) side, the boundary began at the Yardên (“descender”; thoughts that cause the mind to compromise; commonly, “Jordan”), passes the northern slope (decline) of Yeriychôw (“fragrant”; carnal desires; commonly, “Jericho”), and went on to the hill (“looming”) country (lower thought plain), coming out of the wilderness (“driving”; mind's struggle) of Bêtyth ʼĂven (“mindset of vanity”; commonly, “Beth Aven”).” (Yahshua (Joshua) 18:12)

The 144,000 understand why it would need to be the faith faculty that would need to overcome the previous fallen mental states of the boundaries allotted. And as they do the work, they see how Masterful it is of Yahweh to place each faculty into certain thought boundaries. All via Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) of the Renewed Covenant of course!


Message 349


Message 351