Message 349
“Just as you do not know how the mind comes to the bones (“strong, bind”) in the womb (“hollow”; yet active conscience) of a woman (emotions and understanding) with child (“builder”), so you cannot know (the “yada” of the matter) how Yahweh works in everything He does.” (Ecclesiastes 11:5)
The 144,000 do well in comprehending the true reality that Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant, though manifested in multiple and seemingly contradictory ways, is enacted before one ever attains to life physical. That it is each individual conscience where His work is done, and this not having to continually repeat the individual “fall” of each conscience. What was expressed in the Garden physical, is an after effect of what transpired in the hollow (womb) conscience, yet to be physically manifested. And for chosen souls/chosen minds, it is in this environment of separate wills, that Yahweh's work begins. Indeed every soul is born in sin (mentally transgressing) (Psalm 51:5), revealing the pre-birth condition of one's mind, and thus Yahweh's Covenant, in that pre birth state begins to add strength and connectivity (bones), as well as emotional bonds (woman) towards His will.
For some, the connectivity He manifests before physical birth does indeed show its fruit in life physical, from a young age. For others, it may be decades before the mind's ties to Yahweh's will are made manifest. Either way, it all speaks to the very “predestination” spoken of in Romans 8:29-30 and Ephesians 1:5 & 1:11. A work done “before” we the chosen, “had done anything righteous or wicked.” (Romans 9:11)