Message 348
The Hebrew word is râphâh רפה (raw-faw'). It's definition is “slacken”. Mostly translated as “feeble” or “frail”, it would be only one time in the Scriptures it would be translated as “still”. Lets look at the verse:
“Be râphâh, and know that I Am Yahweh!” (Psalm 46:10) A popular verse among those claiming faith, but is it properly understood? “Be slacked, and know that I Am Yahweh!” Slacken has several Hebrew words to define it, “behind” and “feeble” best representing it's Hebraic intent. “Be behind, and know that I Am Yahweh!” “Be feeble and know that I Am Yahweh!”
Stillness certainly represents a portion of what Yahweh requires at Psalm 46:10, and yet we have more to consider now? “Be frail, and know that I Am Yahweh!”
What is it to you, potential one of the one-hundred and forty-four thousand? What is it speaking to you about the mindset Yahweh is requiring in order to “Know that I Am Yahweh!”? We do consider how difficult it is to quiet the mind, no? Perhaps its our perception of “stillness” that keeps the mind roaring, while trying to discern Yahweh's Presence?
Things to consider, to mentally ponder. Important things, no?