Message 36
"For promotion (“be high, rise"; mental advancement) does not come from the east ("going forth"; personal understanding), nor from the west (“shading, dusky"; misperceptions), nor from the south ("parched"; desolate thinking). But Yahweh is Judge ("sentence, vindicate"; the final verdict for the mind). He brings down one [thought] and exalts another." (Psalm 75:6-7)
Indeed, the 144,000 realize that growing in Yahweh's wisdom, the minds promotion, is inevitably according to the will of Yahweh and His predestined plans for the soul. As Paul exclaims, they, "Find a way in the will of Yahweh". (Romans 1:10) And part and parcel of the "way"" is to perceive what is written as well as what is left out (those things either deemed as unnecessary or "secrets"). Promotion does not come from east, west or south, and it is understood what is left. The Hebrew word is צפון tsâphôn, (tsaw-fone'). It's definitions are "hidden, unknown, dark." This word commonly translated as "north", speaks in multiple ways according to the Hebraic intent within the context of the verse. In the case of promotion the 144,000 realize it comes through both the deciphering of mysteries (hidden, unknown); the "Seek and Find!" part, as well as the wilderness road known as suffering; the dark parts of the minds journey.
Let it be spoken that as Yahweh promotes, one starts to think and therefore speak and therefore behave exactly as Yahshua did. The 144,000 understand that the "image" of Yahweh is an image of conscious behavior and not a physical matter at all. Promotion from Yahweh is always within, long before it manifests in life physical.