Message 35
We previously discussed a simple yet profound understanding carried in the minds of the 144,000: You cannot give what you do not possess! And this in reference to the full wisdom and understanding encompassed in the 16 pillars of love, as Yahweh created love to be; as an expression of Himself. If one cannot even define what the Creator of love reveals love to be, how can one possibly claim to have attained, and even more worrisome, to have given it to others? Has it not been said you are to "Love others as yourself"?
And so it is in the proper understanding of Yahweh's revelation of a concept called love, a concept both describing Yahweh to the capacity He has made allowable this side of eternity, as well as setting the standard for our mind's perfection, that we see another side of love. We find it at Mattithyâh (Matthew) 13:10-13;
"Then the disciples (the 12 mental disciplines within each mind) came to him [Yahshua] and asked, 'Why do you speak to them [the masses] in parables ("superiority")?' He answered them and said, 'Because it has been given to you [individual chosen minds] to know the great secrets of The Kingdom of Yahweh, but to them [the masses of minds not chosen] it has not been given. For whoever has, more will given to him, and he will have abundantly, but whoever has not, even what he has will be taken away. That is why I speak to them in parables; because seeing (mentally perceiving) they do not see, and hearing (understanding) they do not hear, they do not understand.'"
And it is among those deep secrets that Yahweh reveals a matter difficult to digest, but so very necessary: The love of Yahweh demands that it is not possible nor is it true that Yahweh and therefore Yahshua "loves everyone". The 144,000 understand how very crucial it is to walk through every mental pathway of what this true reality about Yahweh means to them---- for a time such as now.