Message 368

“For if this plan or this work is of men (fallen thoughts), it will come to nothing; but if it is of the Mighty One, you cannot destroy it – and you might even be found to be fighting against the Mighty One.” (Acts 5:38-39)

Certainly the plan discussed in the verses above is not the issue at hand, but rather that all “plans” are at the feet of Yahweh! And that His plan, His plan from before the foundations of the earth, cannot be thwarted.

And because it is His plan that utter destruction and the purging of His chosen comes via the hand of wicked minds (wicked men), it is imperative that an understanding be solidified within you: The wickedness, the death, the despair, the weakened hands and feeble knees, it is Yahweh's doing! Massive death is coming upon the earth (lower thought plain/physical world) and if one forgets it is Yahweh doing it, one's mind will indeed begin to fight against Yahweh! How? Fear, anger, resentment, confusion, bitterness, sadness, etc. All of these, by products of a mind's fight against the plan of Yahweh.

Listen closely 144,000. Everything was predetermined! Everything was pre-approved! Everything that is now, must be so, for how could He ever do other then perfect? Let it sink deep within. The sealing will solidify it, but until then, take each thought captive unto the obedience of the anointing (Romans 12:2, II Corinthians 10:3-6). Perhaps we made it. Perhaps we are one of the one hundred and forty-four thousand.


Message 367