Message 367
“The engraving of destruction.” It should be easy to perceive and therefore, physically see. Of course it is a mental attribute but you can see it with physical eyes as well. The appearance of those who are infected by it, the engraving of destruction. You know it as another term, the “mark of the beast”. Now you have come to understand it is a mental mark and those who bare it have certainly come to reprobation; minds “spurned” via Yahweh's judgment upon them.
And they will be the leaders of the physical world for a season! A Sovereignly appointed time otherwise expressed as: “And the great dragon (“elongate”; lengths to which the personal will can and will transgress) was cast out, that old serpent (“hiss, whisper”; personal will first found at Genesis 3:1), called sâtân (the adversarial will, opposed to Yahweh's will; see “The Devil Inside”), who deceives the whole world (total body and boundaries of thought). He was cast out into the earth (the lower thought plain of fallen minds), and his malak (messages) were cast out with him.” (Revelation 12:9)
When those with utterly reprobate minds are given permission to reach the full potential of their mind's wickedness, it is then that many children of Yahweh will physically fall, and the 144,000 will rise. A time when the engraving of destruction reaches it's height for Yahweh's intended purging of His chosen. The last purging.